Mixed Age Classes at Ashby Hill Top Primary School
At Ashby Hill Top our Pupil Admission Number (PAN) is 45. Schools usually work on an average class size of around 30 pupils with no more than 30 in an infant class (apart from in very exceptional circumstances). A mixed age class is a class in which there are children who are from more than one-year group within the same classroom. At Hill Top, children from Year 1 to 6 are taught in mixed age classes.
Our 2022-2023 class structure is as follows:
Staff in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 are very experienced and are aware of the complexities of teaching mixed classes. They work extremely hard to ensure that teaching is always effective. |
Mixed age classes have the following benefits:
Challenges and Solutions
Teachers of mixed age classes face the challenge of responding to a wide diversity of learners within their classroom - this is the norm in any primary classroom and high quality teaching and learning successfully addresses the full range of diversity.
Teachers skilfully weave the curricula together to cater for all learners, creating a bespoke experience that is tailored to the class and the individuals within it. Areas of learning are regularly revised and revisited in English and Maths - most themes having significant overlap between year groups (e.g. addition in maths and prefixes in spelling taught across all year groups, at different levels. This is the case with most of the Maths and English curriculum. Where there is no overlap of content, specific year group objectives will be planned and delivered separately. In some areas (e.g. Year 3 Mass and Capacity and Year 4 Position and Direction), we use a two year rolling program. Most lessons take place as a whole class although staff plan creatively so that pupils are taught what they need in the way that will help them learn best. We will work on a rolling programme of topics and themes. This is monitored and tracked by subject leaders to ensure full coverage is achieved. Foundation subject expectations are set out over a Key Stage, with the additional flexibility to deliver content earlier or later, based on the learners’ needs. The content taught is aligned fully with the National Curriculum for each age group, so where the National Curriculum gives single year group objectives, these will be covered by the correct year group. This ensures that learning is progressive for all learners. |
How do we achieve the best outcomes?By doing what we do well every day!